Dyddiad y Digwyddiad: Dydd Sadwrn, 14 Mai 2011
Lleoliad: Dyffryn Brenig
Math o Ddigwyddiad: Taith dywys o amgylch safleoedd a henebion y dyffryn.
Mae’r broses o ymchwilio i archaeoleg uwchdiroedd Cymru yn mynd rhagddi ers ugain mlynedd fel rhan o fenter y Comisiwn Brenhinol, Menter Archaeoleg yr Uwchdiroedd. Adnodd archaeolegol pwysig yw’r uwchdiroedd ac mae yno gyfoeth o olion o bob cyfnod. Am fod eu poblogaeth yn fach ac am na ddefnyddiwyd mwy a mwy ar y tir dros y canrifoedd diwethaf, mae nifer dda o’r safleoedd wedi goroesi. Mae lle mawr wedi bod i uwchdiroedd y gogledd, a Sir Ddinbych yn arbennig, yn y prosiect. Wrth i’r gwaith maes fynd rhagddo ac i’r arolygu ar flociau eithaf pendant o uwchdir ddod i ben, mae rhaglen gyhoeddi wedi cychwyn a’r cyntaf mewn cyfres o lyfrau ar dreftadaeth uwchdiroedd Cymru yw Mynydd Hiraethog/The Denbigh Moors. Rhan bwysig o’r fro yw dyffryn Brenig, dyffryn a fu’n ganolbwynt i weithgarwch pobl am filoedd ar filoedd o flynyddoedd. Mae’n ddigon adnabyddus oherwydd yr henebion claddu a’r henebion crefyddol o’r Oes Efydd a gloddiwyd yno yn y 1970au, ac ers hynny mae’r mwyafrif ohonynt wedi’u hadfer i fod yn rhan o lwybr archaeolegol a ddynodir gan arwyddion. Yn ddiweddar, mae’r dyffryn wedi bod yn destun gwaith arolygu manwl gan y Comisiwn i gydategu’r cyhoeddiad.
Fe aiff y daith gerdded o amgylch y fynwent gan roi sylw i safleoedd o gyfnodau diweddarach a chyflwyno ffrwyth gwaith maes diweddar. Bydd yn apelio at bawb sy’n mwynhau golygfeydd yr uwchdiroedd, yn ymddiddori mewn astudio safleoedd hynafol ac yn awyddus i wybod rhagor amdanynt.
Bydd y daith yn rhyw 4 milltir o hyd ac yn weddol ddwys. Gradd ‘C’ a roir iddi gan Gymdeithas y Cerddwyr. Arweinir y daith gan archaeolegwyr proffesiynol sydd wedi bod yn astudio’r fro. Os hoffech chi ddod ar y daith, rhowch wybod am eich diddordeb ynddi drwy gysylltu â Jane Durbin ar 01970-621234 neu anfon e-bost i jane.durbin@cbhc.gov.uk
This year’s guided walk in the uplands will take place on Saturday 14 May
Event Date: Saturday 14 May 2011
Location: The Brenig Valley
Type of Event: Guided walk around the sites and monuments of the valley.
The archaeological exploration of the uplands of Wales has been under way for the past twenty years as part of the Royal Commission’s Uplands Archaeology Initiative. The uplands are an important archaeological resource rich in remains of all periods. Site survival is generally good due to low population and isolation from intensive land use in recent centuries. The North Wales uplands, and Denbighshire in particular, have featured strongly in the project. As fieldwork has progressed and survey of recognisable upland blocks is completed, a programme of publication has begun. The first in a series of books on the upland heritage of Wales is Mynydd Hiraethog/The Denbigh Moors. An important component of the area is the Brenig valley which has been the focus of human activity for many thousands of years. The valley is well known for its Bronze Age burial and religious monuments which were excavated in the 1970s and most have since been restored to form part of a waymarked archaeological trail. More recently it has been the subject of detailed survey work carried out by the Commission to complement the publication.
This walk will be a tour around the cemetery, taking in sites of later periods and presenting the results of recent fieldwork. It will appeal to all those who enjoy upland scenery and are interested in looking at ancient sites and wish to know more about them.
The walk will be around 4 miles and of moderate intensity, graded ‘C’ by the Ramblers’ Association, and will be led by professional archaeologists who have been studying the area. If you would like to come along please register your interest by contacting Jane Durbin on 01970-621234 or by e-mail at jane.durbin@rcahmw.gov.uk
Related Uplands Archaeology Links:
The Uplands Archaeology Initiative
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