An exhibition called Visions of Place: the Story of Designed Settlement Recording By the Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Wales will be on display at Aberystwyth Arts Centre as part of the first-ever Wales Festival of Architecture, 18 April – 4 May. This exhibition will cover the Garden Village Movement, Newport Prefabs, Herbert North: Arts and Crafts Architect, John Nash and the Picturesque, and Eco-housing. The exhibition is strikingly illustrated with images drawn from the National Monuments Record of Wales, many of which are available on Coflein.
This new festival aims to stimulate discussion about architecture. The Festival will provide a forum for architects, planners and other professionals, and the public to share views and knowledge about the built environment in a wide-ranging programme of talks, films, workshops and exhibitions. Highlights of the Festival include a two-day architectural ceramics workshop with Gwen Heeney, and an evening of architecture and poetry with Poet Laureate Carol Ann Duffy and National Poet of Wales Gillian Clarke. Spanning a six-week period, this festival ― the first of its kind in Wales ― will no doubt stimulate discussion about the special role of architecture in Wales, and provide something for everyone.
For further details, please contact Aberystwyth Arts Centre.
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This new festival aims to stimulate discussion about architecture. The Festival will provide a forum for architects, planners and other professionals settlement quotes
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