Free Event, Everyone Welcome!
Friday 26 April 2013, 10am-4pm
Newtown Library, talks: 11am, 1pm and 3pm
Come along and discover this fantastic online resource showcasing a previously unseen collection of aerial photographs of Wales, Scotland and England from the pioneering age of aviation. The collection covers the years 1919-1953, a period when the landscape of Britain was undergoing drastic change.
There will be three talks on the history of the collection and the project itself during the day at 11am, 1pm and 3pm, but everyone will be welcome to pop in and find out more through the day with a Britain from Above Activity Officer and have a go on the website itself as part of the Digital Unite Spring Online week.
Newtown Library, Park Lane, Newtown, Powys, SY16 1EJ.
Telephone: 01686 626934
Find out more at:
Twitter: @AboveBritain
Natasha Scullion, Britain from Above Activity Officer, Wales.
Telephone: 01970 621200
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