Senior Investigator, Richard Suggett with Huw Lewis, Minister for Housing, Regeneration and Heritage at Thursday's book launch |
On Tuesday, Richard Suggett and Nicola Roberts spent the day working with Hay Castle Trust at Hay Castle, where a number of Royal Commission exhibition panels are currently on display providing a historical interpretation of the house and Castle. Richard led a series of tours throughout the day which were very well-attended, despite both the cold, and later the rain. Numbers seemed to multiply as he toured the castle, as onlookers enthusiastically joined the group, reaching nearly 30 at times!
Richard Suggett leading a tour of Hay Castle to an interested audience |
Finally, on Thursday another busy day was spent when Richard met Huw Lewis, the Minister for Housing, Regeneration and Heritage at the launch of the latest in the series of Cadw’s award winning guidebooks, Criccieth Castle, Penarth Fawr Medieval Hall-House and St Cybi’s Well, for which Richard is a main contributor. This was followed later in the day by his very well-attended evening lecture, given with much expertise and humour against the back-drop of Max Boyce’s simultaneous performance on the adjacent stage, right next door.
The Royal Commission staff and books will continue to be available at the Hay Festival over the forthcoming weekend, 9 and 10 June, and very much look forward to attending the event again next year.
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