Dyddiad Ago: 2 Rhagfyr 2010
Dyddiad Cau: 20 Rhagfyr 2010
Lleoliad: Aberystwyth
Disgrifiad o'r Swydd:
Gwahoddir archaeolegwyr proffesiynol, galluog ac uchel eu cymhelliant sydd â phrofiad o weithio ar brosiectau maes archaeolegol a defnyddio awyrluniau at ddibenion archaeoleg i wneud cais am leoliad hyfforddi a ariannir gan Gronfa Treftadaeth y Loteri (yr HLF) drwy gynllun Bwrsariaeth Dysgu yn y Gweithle yr IfA. Bydd yr ymgeisydd llwyddiannus wedi’i hyfforddi mewn chwilio archaeolegol o’r awyr ac yn y tasgau sydd ynghlwm wrth hynny, gan gynnwys ffotograffiaeth ddigidol, prosesu delweddau, a chatalogio a dehongli awyrluniau. Caiff ef/hi hyfforddiant ychwanegol mewn mapio awyrluniau, GIS a’r technegau gwaith maes y mae eu hangen i ymchwilio i ddarganfyddiadau o’r awyr, eu cofnodi a llunio adroddiadau ysgrifenedig arnynt.
Bydd gan yr ymgeisydd llwyddiannus gefndir mewn archaeoleg maes neu ddisgyblaeth gysylltiedig a hefyd radd anrhydedd dda, o leiaf, a pheth profiad o faes archaeoleg broffesiynol. Bydd deiliad y lleoliad yn atebol i’r Ymchwilydd o’r Awyr yn swyddfeydd CBHC yn Aberystwyth.
Bydd y swydd ar gael o fis Mawrth 2011 ymlaen, ac os cwblheir cyfnod prawf o 3 mis yn llwyddiannus (i’w adolygu ar sail cyflawni’r cyrchnodau dysgu y cytunwyd arnynt) , a bydd yn para 12 mis.
Cyflwyno’ch cais:
Gwneir cais am y fwrsariaeth drwy gyfrwng CV a llythyr cyflwyno, a dylai’r llythyr ddangos yn glir sut yr ydych chi’n bodloni meini prawf Manyleb y Person ar gyfer y lleoliad. Efallai y cewch hi’n fuddiol defnyddio meini prawf Manyleb y Person yn benawdau bach er mwyn iddynt gael sylw clir yn eich llythyr. Ceisiwch roi enghreifftiau go-iawn a pherthnasol lle bynnag y gallwch chi. Mae Cynllun Hyfforddi llawn ar gyfer y lleoliad, Disgrifiad o’r Swydd a Manyleb y Person ar gael o wefan yr IfA: http://www.archaeologists.net/
Marciwch eich ceisiadau i sylw’r Swyddog Adnoddau Dynol drwy’r post i CBHC, Plas Crug, Aberystwyth, Ceredigion. SY23 1NJ neu’n electronig i sue.billingsley@cbhc.gov.uk erbyn 20fed Rhagfyr 2010 fan bellaf. Os gwnewch chi gais drwy e-bost, gwnewch yn siŵr eich bod chi’n gofyn am dderbynneb.
Os hoffech chi drafod unrhyw agwedd ar y swydd, cewch chi gysylltu â Toby Driver ar 01970 621207 neu toby.driver@cbhc.gov.uk
Cynhelir y cyfweliadau ddydd Iau 20fed Ionawr 2011 yn swyddfeydd CBHC yn Aberystwyth.
Sue Billingsley,
Y Swyddog Adnoddau Dynol,
Adeilad y Goron,
Plas Crug,
Ceredigion, SY23 1NJ.
Ffôn: 01970 621228.
E-bost: sue.billingsley@cbhc.gov.uk
Graddfa Cyflog: Ifa
Cyflog: £17,534 per annum
Hyd y cytundeb: 12 month
Cysylltwch â: Toby Driver
HLF/IfA Workplace Learning Bursary funded placement in Aerial Discovery and Reconnaissance
Opening Date: 2 December 2010
Closing Date: 20 December 2010
Location: Aberystwyth
Job Desription:
Applications are invited for a professional, highly motivated and capable archaeologist with experience in archaeological field projects and the uses of aerial photography for archaeology for a training placement funded by the HLF through the IfA Workplace Learning Bursary scheme. The successful candidate will be trained in archaeological aerial reconnaissance and its supporting tasks including digital photography, image processing, air photo cataloguing and air photo interpretation, and will receive additional training in air photo mapping, GIS and the fieldwork techniques necessary to research, record and prepare written reports on aerial discoveries.
The successful applicant will have a background in field archaeology or a related discipline and have, at the minimum, a good honours degree and some experience in professional archaeology. The placement holder will be responsible to the Aerial Investigator at the RCAHMW offices, Aberystwyth.
The post is available from March 2011 and, subject to successful completion of a 3 month probationary period (to be reviewed based on the achievement of agreed learning goals), will be for 12 months.
Making your application:
Application for this post is by CV and covering letter, which should clearly show how you meet the Person Specification criteria for the placement. You may find it useful to use the Person Specification criteria as mini headings so that they are clearly addressed in your covering letter. Please try and give relevant actual examples wherever possible. A full Training Plan for the placement, Job Description and Person Specification are available from the IfA website: http://www.archaeologists.net/
Please mark your applications for the attention of the Human Resources Officer by post to RCAHMW, Plas Crug, Aberystwyth, Ceredigion. SY23 1NJ or electronically to sue.billingsley@rcahmw.gov.uk by no later than 20th December 2010. If you are applying by email, please ensure that you request a read receipt.
If you wish to discuss any aspects of the job you can contact Toby Driver on 01970 621207 or toby.driver@rcahmw.gov.uk
Interviews will be held on Thursday 20th January 2011 at the RCAHMW offices, Aberystwyth.
Sue Billingsley,
Human Resources officer,
Crown Building,
Plas Crug,
Ceredigion, SY23 1NJ.
Tel: 01970 621228.
Email: sue.billingsley@rcahmw.gov.uk
Pay Scale: Ifa
Salary: £17,534 per annum
Contract: 12 month
Contact: Toby Driver
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