A dayschool organised by the Royal Commission in partnership with the Defence Infrastructure Organisation and the Clwyd Powys Archaeological Trust.
9 May 2014. Sennybridge Training Area,
Brecon, Powys.
9 May 2014. Sennybridge Training Area,
Brecon, Powys.
This year’s Uplands Archaeology Forum will be held on Friday 9 May 2014 at the Red Kite Centre, Sennybridge Training Area (SENTA) in Powys. This will be an open event, held in partnership with the Defence Infrastructure Organisation and Clwyd-Powys Archaeological Trust. The morning will see reports from upland surveys around Wales while the afternoon will be dedicated to papers about the archaeology of upland military landscapes in Wales. Registration is £20 to include sit-down lunch, refreshments and admission.
This will be a rare opportunity to attend an event at the training area and for delegates to hear more about the archaeology of Mynydd Epynt and other archaeological landscapes in Wales, and to visit sites around the range in the company of archaeologists and military personnel. As places will be limited early booking is advisable.
Further details and booking arrangements can be found on the Royal Commission’s website. For further information please contact David Leighton on david.leighton@rcahmw.gov.uk or telephone 01970 621204
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