Each year the Welsh Heritage Schools Initiative Committee (http://www.whsi.org.uk/) invites schools from all over Wales to enter heritage projects in its nationwide competition. The word "heritage" is interpreted in the widest sense, to include people and their social history, religion, traditions and culture; the world of work, agriculture, industry, finance, commerce, science, technology, arts and sport. These projects can be part of the usual curriculum-focused work carried out as part of the timetable, or they can reflect work done by the school to commemorate a local event, person or building.
With almost two million photographs and half a million pages of text in the National Monuments Record of Wales, the Royal Commission’s freely available public archive offers information on a wealth of historic sites in Wales. These include: Schools, Houses, Churches, Chapels, Farm buildings, Stone circles, Hillforts, Enclosures, Roman sites, Castles, Mottes, Canals, Railways, Ironworks, Coal mines, Mills, Lighthouses, Gardens, Wrecks, Mansions, Cairns and more. The list is endless and the possibilities are great. Much of this information is available on Coflein, our on-line database. For further assistance, please contact our enquiry team: nmr.wales@rcahmw.org.uk, Tel: 01970 621200.
Additional useful sites include:
People’s Collection Wales http://www.peoplescollectionwales.co.uk/
Britain From Above http://www.britainfromabove.org.uk/
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