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Heritage together - A Web Community for Digitising Cultural Heritage Assets: Andrew Wilson, Bangor University from RCAHMW
Digital Dissent: Sharing Wales’ Nonconformist Heritage: Susan Fielding (RCAHMW) & Christine Moore (Addoldai Cymru) from RCAHMW
Engage audiences and create collections by crowdsourcing community collection: Yvla Berglund Prytz (RunCoCo: University of Oxford) from RCAHMW
Inventory 1964-2014: Crowdsourcing the National Monuments Record: Jamie Davies (Llyn Archaeology and History Society) from RCAHMW
Don’t dumb it down, historical accuracy is fun: Discussing the Europa Barbarorum project and its impact on the gaming community: Andrew Lamb (University of Leicester) from RCAHMW
Augmented reality and the Parthenon sculptures: Juno Rae & Lizzie Edwards (The British Museum) from RCAHMW
Coastal Heritage At Risk - Combining Digital Technologies with Community Action: Tom Dawson (University of St Andrews) from RCAHMW
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